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優れた堅牢性とパワフルなサウンド! ボッシュの現場ラジオ GPB18V-2C & GPB18V-5C


優れた堅牢性とパワフルなサウンド! ボッシュの現場ラジオ GPB18V-2C & GPB18V-5C


ボッシュプロフェッショナル18Vバッテリー(12Ahはカバーを外して使用)またはACアダプターで100V電源も使用できるデュアルパワーです。 AM/FM受信だけでなく、AUXイン・Bluetoothにより外部機器の接続もOK。さらには外部機器の充電が可能なUSBポートも1個装備しています。左右スピーカーからのパワフルなサウンド、コンパクトで持ち運び簡単、縦置きでも横置きでも使えます。フック掛けも可能です!

次はフラッグシップモデル GPB18V-5C。見るからに頑丈そうです。外側の補強用フレームで卓越した堅牢性を発揮! 頑丈なだけじゃなく「音」にもこだわります。音質を調整するイコライザー機能、上部4か所の大型スピーカーと底面に配したサブウーファーで360°全方向へパワフルサウンドをお届け。迫力の重低音が現場に響きました。AM/FM受信に加え、AUXイン・Bluetoothで外部機器の接続が可能。外部機器を充電できるUSBポートや100V電源も4口装備し合計最大10A/1,000Wまでの電気機器を使用できます。こちらも18Vバッテリーまたは100V電源コードで使用できるデュアルパワーです。




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Robust and powerful sound! Bosch Jobsite Radio GPB18V-2C and GPB18V-5C

There are many people who listen to the radio or music during breaks at work sites. Mr. Rager also wanted to listen to music, but his site was too large, so the volume from mobile phone wasn't lound enough. He’s also given up bringing the radio with good sound as he was afraid to drop it on the rough floor.

So here comes Bosch Jobsite Radios. First, Mr. Rager checked out compact model GPB 18V-2C.

Dual power that can also be used with a Bosch Professional 18V battery (12Ah is used with the cover removed) or a 100V power supply with an AC adapter. In addition to AM/FM reception, the connection of external devices is also possible via AUX-in and Bluetooth. It also has a USB port for charging external devices. Powerful sound from left and right speakers, compact and easy to carry, can be used vertically or horizontally. You can also hook the radio at the site!

Next he tried the flagship model GPB18V-5C. It looks sturdy!

Outstanding robustness is brought by the outer reinforcing frame. Not only is it sturdy, but it is also particular about "sound"." An equalizer function that adjusts the sound quality, four large speakers on the top and a subwoofer on the bottom deliver powerful sound in all directions at 360. A powerful bass sound echoed at his site. In addition to AM/FM reception, external devices can be connected with AUX in and Bluetooth. Equipped with 4 USB ports that can charge external devices and 100V power supply, you can use electrical devices up to a total of 10A/1,000W. It's also dual powered with an 18V battery or 100V power cord.

These radios are not just for the field, but also ideal for camping and BBQ. Mr.Rager loved them having at his site. With Bosch Jobsite Radios, the renovation gets even better!

Check the product in this article

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受付時間: 9:00~17:30(土・日・祝日を除く)*

